“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism”

— George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

History isn’t written in a single moment. It unfolds gradually, shaped by the choices of ordinary people.
There is a battle being waged against the American way. In order to protect our values, we need to be armed with the truth.

Our founding fathers left a framework, core values and path for us to follow. We look for strong leaders to provide security, prosperity, and a return to better days. We trust them to offer guidance—simple answers to complex problems.

Hope is a powerful force—it can unite, inspire, and rebuild. Hope can also make us overlook the small changes that slowly reshape our world. A new law meant to keep people safe. A shift in what is considered acceptable. A change in the way problems are discussed. Each moment may seem minor—until one day, the path looks entirely different.

History reminds us that these shifts rarely happen overnight. They unfold through decisions, large and small, shaped by good intentions or quiet resignation. By the time people look back to see how far they’ve traveled, they realize the destination is no longer the one they had hoped for.

What happens next is up to us.